Currently, the environmental problems faced by the world are becoming more extensive and there is an increasing urgency for humanity to view the issue with utmost importance. The fragility of our global climate coupled by our dependence on it further highlights the gravity of the situation and Man should no longer hesitate to act upon this issue. It is a global crisis and it would require a global concerted effort to help mitigate or even solve this problem. Therefore, everyone can help to contribute to save our Earth no matter how insignificant our efforts may seem and there are many ways in which we can do so.
Among them, recycling is a major world-wide program which involves government bodies, large corporations and organizations. Therefore, NUS students, we should all take part in this GREEN PLAN campaign as the environmentalists who love nature and earth.
The objective of this report is to give awareness of the recycling campaign and my target reader will be all NUS staffs and students. From that campaign, all NUS staffs and students will be given an attention or awareness of paper recycling.
In order to raise the awareness of the above issue, an attitudinal survey should be conducted. I realize that we can see the situation from the survey results whether how many people are very active to participate in green plan campaign.
Some of my survey questions will be-
1. Awareness of 3R methods such as Reduce, Reuse and Recycle?
2. Should the system be changed to using E resources instead of printing on papers?
3. Should we provide more extensive network of paper recycling bins in the whole campus?
4.Should we use recycled papers for all text books and writing pads and printing shops?
From the survey results, the data will be reported to Office of Student’s Affair (OSA) for implementation.
The short term and long term benefits from green plan campaign will be such as reduction of air pollution, energy consumption, cutting down the trees or harvesting of the forests and lower costs.
Recently, NUS just organised a handphone recycling campaign during the Green Carnival 2008 (25-27 Aug 08). Thus, I think that conducting a survey to find out how many people are keen to participate in a paper recycling project is a good idea.
To date, NUS has also made a lot of effort on reducing paper usage in the school. For example, NUS has allowed submission of all assignments, reports, papers and thesis electronically through IVLE or on double sided print. This greatly reduce the amount of paper used.
I feel that all students and staff of NUS do realize that we can contribute to this paper recycling project. However, many of us do not carry out the actions to reduce paper usage. Thus, if this survey can generate positive outcomes, for example to use only recycled paper for printing of study materials, we would definitely reduce the number of trees being cut down. This would lead us one step closer to the aim of the green plan campaign.
Hi.. I think an attitudinal survey would be appropriate in this issue as it would allow surveyees to rate their awareness level thus we will be able to identify which areas of the current conservation efforts are the students and staff of NUS less aware of. Furthermore, as pointed out in "it is a global crisis and it would require a global concerted effort", therefore, by making use of an attitudinal survey, which would allow the free response of the surveyees, we would be able to gather not only the level of awareness but also pool together feasible ideas from the student body and staff of NUS. This could help to improve the overall efforts and also feasiblity of the methods.
Environmental issues are getting more and more attnetions on campus now. Wherever we go, we can see the posters “NUS fights Climate Change”. This is a wide topic because we can focus on many things like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution etc. I believe recycling is one of the best and easiest ways to solve most of the environmental issues. Therefore we need to encourage NUS people to practice this habit more. Wish we can contribute our best efforts in this campaign to save the earth.
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