On that day, when we visited her house, my Singaporean friend introduced us to her family members. I noticed that her father was staring at my Nigerian friend disapprovingly and I realized that it was making my friend a little uncomfortable. I was puzzled as to why this is so since this was our first meeting. Later, I found out that it was actually because my Nigerian friend was wearing a black-coloured dress and it is a Chinese belief that black tend to be associated with mourning and inauspicious and thus should not be worn during joyous occasions such as Chinese New Year. This is a customary belief for the Chinese. However, this belief may not be shared by the Irish or African people and thus, it could be a practice which they may not be aware of. When we were having reunion dinner, I also noticed that my foreign friends had difficulty in using the chopsticks. This is probably due to them being more accustomed to using forks and spoons instead of using chopsticks like Asian people. From this dinner, I became more aware that Chinese traditions and rituals are very carefully observed in everything from food to clothing during the Chinese New Year and various people have different ways of doing things and beliefs under different cultures.